Empowering the Underprivileged

TECH@PARK is a volunteer organization that helps underprivileged freshers find software jobs. Our mission is to empower individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds by providing them with the necessary skills to succeed in the IT industry.

Our Achievements:

  1. More than 80% of our students are first-generation engineers of their families. By providing them with quality training and job placement assistance, we are not only helping them but also their families and future generations.
  2. We positioned a candidate for a startup that happily accepted 6 consecutive students. This is a testament to the quality of our students and the effectiveness of our training program.
  3. Today, TECH@PARK is run by our own eX-students. We are proud to have planted an idea in them that they can help others and make a positive impact on their communities.

Join us in our mission to create a more inclusive and equitable IT industry.

Made with for the learning by students of Tech@Park